Research partners
We place value in developing mutually beneficial partnerships with education and healthcare providers.

Capital Radiology is also driven to build a more connected and holistic future for healthcare
This is why we are involved in many ongoing research projects and professional partnerships. One partnership, with Silicon Valley-based AI firm Enlitic, focuses on enabling doctors to provide better outcomes for patients through faster, earlier and more accurate diagnoses.
Our Partners

Monash University
Capital Radiology partners with Monash University via an MOU to provide clinical placements for more than 30 students per year, across all year levels, as part of their practical training in radiography. Many of these students have chosen to go on to a career at Capital Radiology after their training.

Breastscreen Victoria
Capital Radiology operates three Breastscreen Victoria clinics. We have recently purchased state-of-the-art digital mammography equipment to ensure we maintain the highest standards of quality.
Our staff regularly train with Breastscreen to maintain excellence, and we are measured against their stringent performance indictors monthly, to ensure the highest standards of service delivery.
Our Breastscreen locations are in Berwick, Frankston, and Werribee – servicing women in those communities over the past 8–10 years.

Monash Health
Through our tertiary musculoskeletal clinic, Imaging @ Olympic Park, we have recently appointed our second Radiology Fellow in a joint program with Monash Health to train radiologists in high-end musculoskeletal imaging.
This Fellowship brings increased expertise in this area into a public health network and allows us to further resource some of our research and training initiatives.